Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 16, 2009

First Time Out To Eat

Today we took the billibed back and while we were out, Jake's mom took Kolt and me out to eat. We went to Sam and Ella's. This was Kolt's first trip out to eat. It didn't go so well actually. He slept quietly until the food came, of course! Then he woke up and was ready to eat. This was my first time trying to breastfeed him in public, and he's still not great at latching on very fast. So he got very upset, because he's a little impatient and ending up screaming it seemed like forever. We just decided to get the rest of our food to go, and I fed him in the car before we came home. We'll try again soon when he's a little more experienced in the breastfeeding area!

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